3rd National G2Z Summit 2009

The 3rd National Summit to End Companion Animal Overpopulation was held at the Gold Coast International Hotel, Surfers Paradise and at the Animal Welfare League of Queensland's Coombabah shelter, Queensland September 30 - October 2 2009.

The first two days consisted of a conference style event with the third taking place at the AWLQ shelter which enabled hands on style workshops and tours of the Rehoming and Education Centres.

The speakers are listed below with links to their papers.  

SPEAKER papers AND presentations

Click on the links below to view the papers and presentations given at the Summit.

Bill Hastie - Queensland Government's managing unwanted cats and dogs strategy

Jan Allen - Progress in preventing unwanted animals in the Northern Territory

Glen Colley - NSW Government initiatives to assist local councils manage pet overpopulation in their communities

Leanne Page - The Government of South Australia Dog and Cat Management Board Regulatory Impact Assessments

Tracy Helman - Victorian Government domestic animal management strategy

Janine Faulkner - Cat management in Tasmania: Taking the initiative

Roz Robinson - Western Australia Government cat management strategy

Michael Linke - RSPCA ACT: Punching above your weight

Peter McQueen - Progress in preventing unwanted dogs and cats in New Zealand

Corinne Hanlon - Cat admissions to RSPCA shelters in Queensland: A pilot study to describe the population of cats and risk factors for euthansia

Nathan Winograd - Saving ALL animals in our pounds and shelters, is it possible?

Joy Verrinder - Getting 2 Zero

Nathan Winograd - The life saving matrix

Claire Gick - Animal control and animal welfare unite in Bunbury Western Australia

Jeremy Bennett - A journey: A story of local government success

Veronic Abbott - Taking a united approach to the issues of unwanted animals

Sheree McLelland - It's our way or the highway: The way forward for Frankston

Geoff Irwin - Breeder Permits & Code of Practice plus cat safe fencing

Louise Laurens - Pilot project subsidised desexing

Tim Vasudeva - South Korea:Challenges for animal welfare rescue and rehoming

Robyn Kippenberger - Valentines Adoptathon

Alistair and Sue McKellow - NZSPCA Mobile Desexing Unit

Michelle Williamson - Changing the way rescue groups present themselves

Sharon Van den Bergen and Cassandra Pearton - Meet Your Match

Carole Webb - Forming coalitions to drive change:The Cat Crisis Coalition

Tamzin Barber - Enrichment and rehab for cats in pounds and shelters

Angela Stockdale - Addressing dog aggression in pound and shelter environments

Lorraine Aueb and Michelle Critchley - Developing a foster care program

Sandy Lack - Open Paws

Nathan Winograd - Reforming animal management: A discussion for CEO's, managers and leaders of pounds and shelters

                        The cost of saving lives

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                        Turbo charging pet adoptions handout