Pets in the city - this free downloadable guide is prepared by the Petcare Information and Advisory Service (PIAS) to help city dwellers make informed decisions about dog and cat ownership.
The website provides practical information to help you decide whether you should own a dog or a cat, identify suitable breeds, negotiate rental and strata, manage pets with limited or no outdoor space as well as tips to help solve common problems.
Pet Friendly Acccommodation Brochure: Advice for Pet Owners - this downloadable brochure covers how to go about finding pet-friendly accommodation, the laws in Queensland and the legal avenues that you can take in Queensland. Further research is being done on legislation and appeal processes in other states. If you live in other states, you should still find this brochure helpful.
Pet Friendly Rentals is a website to help Australian pet owners find rental properties.
The British Columbia SPCA have some fantastic resources on renting with pets that can be found here.
The Vancouver City Council moved to "Support renters with pets" in July 2013. Read more here.
The Australian Companion Animal Council Inc.provides a forum for the pet care industry to promote the benefits of socially responsible companion animal ownership to individuals, the community and all levels of government through research, education and advocacy. Their website has a number of publications that deal with the issues of renting with pets.
The US based Animal Farm Foundation also have some online resources that can be found here.