Pound Staff

How Local Government Councillors, Animal Management Departments and Pound Staff can help achieve G2Z in their community.

  • Read the Getting to Zero Model
  • Complete the G2Z Checklist to determine which elements are being used and which need to be introduced
  • Read and agree to the G2Z Participant Code of Ethics
  • Consult with G2Z staff
  • Attend G2Z workshops, shelter tours and Summits.
  • Introduce desexing subsidy programs.
  • Develop a local stakeholder coalition (contact us for further info) to help develop cooperative G2Z strategies.
  • Introduce new facilities, policies and procedures to align with the G2Z Model.
  • Introduce legislation for responsible breeding to prevent unwanted animals and responsible animal management to increase rehoming rather than killing cats and dogs in your community.
  • Develop community support by putting your city/shire on the G2Z map and share your progress towards zero through legislation, infrastructure, policy and strategies.

You can also ask questions and receive answers from other G2Z communities. Complete the Expression of Interest Form to become a part of the G2Z community. Send to info@g2z.org.au