Australian Cat Action Plan

The Australian Cat Action Plan proposes a way forward to achieve national consistency in effective domestic cat management and welfare strategies in Australia.

Overall, widespread support was shown for this Plan in the national Discussion Paper consultation which took place from September 2013 to mid 2014. You can read the summary of the survey results here.

The plan was further developed based on discussions with representatives of all relevant national stakeholder groups at a National Meeting in August 2014 and then further discussions 2014-2017 to achieve a majority endorsement. These national stakeholder groups included:

  • Australian Cat Federation
  • Australian National Cats
  • Australian Institute of Animal Management
  • Animals Australia
  • Australian Wildlife Rehabilitation Council
  • Australian Veterinary Association
  • Sentient
  • AWLA
  • RSPCA Australia
  • National Animal Rescue Groups of Australia.

G2Z is now working with governments and stakeholders to progress implementation. Progress with the plan will be reviewed approximately biannually, and the plan further developed as needed. It is hoped this document will become the blueprint for all to use in negotiations with relevant governments and organisations to develop a cohesive national system to reduce the proliferation of abandoned and poorly managed domestic cats (i.e. owned, semi-owned, and unowned (with some direct or indirect dependence on humans) in cities/towns) in Australia.

For enquiries or to arrange a meeting with a G2Z representative to discuss and progress these strategies, either by attending one of your organisation's meetings or a personal or Skype meeting with a key representative of your organisation, please email us.